Monday, September 2, 2013

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) Episode 18

Attack on Titan Episode 18 (Funimation)

Attack on Titan Episode 18 (Crunchyroll)

Attack on Titan Episode 18 (Hulu)

Forest of Giant Trees / The 57th Expedition, Pt. 2 - Attack On Titan, Season 1 (Original Japanese Version)

"Forest of Giant Trees/The 57th Expedition, Part 2"



Jean, Armin and Reiner survived the female Titan. That in itself is a miracle. However, Jean's horse ran away, and now the three of them are stuck with only one mount. This puts the group in a tough position. Only two people can ride a horse, so at least one person will be left behind.

They try a flare out of desperation, and just as they are about to leave Armin behind, Christa shows up to save the day. She has not one but two extra horses with her, including Jean's escapee. You get a little bit of comedy with the three teenage boys reacting to Christa, from thinking she's a savior to wanting to marry her. Teenage boy hormones shine through.

This episode the female Titan continues to rampage through the Scout Regiment. Nothing can stop her. Three soldiers set an ambush for her, and it fails completely. She is simply too intelligent and too fast. She is also extremely brutal.

The center of the Scout Regiment enters the "Forest of Giant Trees." The trees look really amazing. They resemble the redwood forests from our world. The real question is, why did Erwin have them enter the forest like this? It's almost like this has been planned from the beginning. They even go so far as to have the rest of the Scout Regiment guarding the forest so the other Titans won't go in and disturb whatever is going on inside.

It appears that no one other than Levi may know what is going on. I will say that Armin is very intuitive though. He is already starting to put together the puzzle of what Erwin is thinking, although he doesn't know the details, of course.

The episode ends with a very terrifying chase scene. Every time you think the show has run out of ways to make you tense, they find a new way. The music is a very nice tough. It makes the environment feel pretty psychotic. We end with Levi saying to cover your ears. What will he do?

Preview: Will Eren transform and fight, or will he trust his fellow soldiers?

Let's stay tuned and see what happens next.

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